Technology for future insurance

Experience efficient claims management and reduced admin with our maintenance-free insurtech platforms.

Trusted by industry leaders 

Better Claims Management

Smooth process illustration
Insurance AUTOMATion

70 000

+ 1.4%

Explore Wisentic Pets

Powered by cutting-edge technology and AI. Enjoy faster settlements, streamlined claims processing and reduced leakage.

Connect with clinics
Fast configuration

ICA boost CX with Claims Automation

ICA Försäkring is one of the fastest-growing insurance companies in the Nordics, learn how they scaled their business.


Our customers experience 56% in overall savings from claims automation.

Ica Insurance claims report screen

Experiences of our products

"Choosing to collaborate with Wisentic feels natural to us at Svedea, especially considering the impact their products deliver."

David Dahlström
David Dahlström

"We can quickly reach out to our group insurance customers with uncomplicated digital services, and it plays a major role in our digital transformation."

Fredrik på MaxM
Fredric Janssen
Max Matthiessen

"We have created a seamless and transparent process where Agria's operations, policyholders, and veterinary clinics can easily and swiftly clarify pet claims."

Monica Tuvelid
Monica Tuvelid
Agria Djurförsäkring

Customer testimonials

"Choosing to collaborate with Wisentic feels natural to us at Svedea, especially considering the impact their products deliver."
Testimonial Svedea
David Dahlström
"We've created a seamless and transparent process where Agria's operations, policyholders, and veterinary clinics can easily and swiftly clarify pet claims."
Testimonial ICA
Monica Tuvelid
Agria Pet Insurance
"Through automation and decision support, we can reduce costs for our customers while making the process more efficient."
Testimonial Arval BNP
Jimmy Andersson
Arval BNP Paribas
David Dahlström
"Choosing to collaborate with Wisentic felt natural to us at Svedea, especially considering the impact their products deliver."
David Dahlström
Monica Tuvelid
"We've created a seamless and transparent process where Agria's operations, policyholders, and veterinary clinics can easily and swiftly clarify pet claims."
Monica Tuvelid
Agria Pet Insurance
Jimmy Andersson
"Through automation and decision support, we can reduce costs for our customers while making the (glass) process more efficient."
Jimmy Andersson
Arval BNP Paribas

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